Mixed spray and painting on canvas Size : 100cm x 80cm (40" x 32") Original hand signed by COPE2
Price on request
Last sale in Sotheby´s this size work 10.000,-USD

Fernando Carlo a.k.a COPE2 was born in 1968 in the South Bronx. He started painting in 1978, influenced by his cousin Chris. In 1982, he created his own crew, the “Kids Destroyer” which later became “King’s Destroyer”. Very active in the 1980-90s, he painted in all New York subway lines, which is how he earned his fame. But the New York authorities started chasing graffiti artists and severely punishing them.He then worked in the city, making simple graffiti, as well as with galleries, and major brands such as Time Life, Converse, Adidas, or Footlocker. Highly regarded in the world of graffiti artists, he still paints legally in the streets and collaborates with other artists such as Shepard Fairey, Retna, Kenny Scharf, etc.
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